Sunday, April 22, 2012

Z's pictures

Here are some of the pictures that Z took that day with his camera.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

366.94, 95, 96, 99, 100

366.94 (apr 3)  Bubbles!  Bubbles bubbles bubbles BUBBLES!!!!!

Monday, April 16, 2012

366.89, 90, 91, 92, 93

366.89 (mar 29)  We can escape, I have the key!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

More Z-isms

Raid-lo-lo = Radio
Chock-it = Chocolate
Snoozy = Smoothie
Choc-o-lit Snoozy = Tropical Smoothie (and yet chocolate is still chock-it...baffling)
Bat-er-ly = Battery
pun-key-yown = provolone
meh-sid-uhr tape  = measuring tape
scoof driver = screwdriver

and a long list of things that are supposed to be sn or sp but instead are st: stoon (spoon), stack (snack), stow (snow), stinach (spinach), stake (snake), stail (snail), stade (spade), I'm sure there are more

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Train 'em young

Grammy was here today for a visit, which always opens up a few more possibilities for entertaining the young ones.  That extra pair of hands makes all the difference!

Likes & Dislikes

Z - bubbles bubbles BUBBLES!, "helping" Mommy put up painter's tape, the new ball popper toy we got at the thrift store, going outside without an adult, letting Earl out of the house, climbing on ladders (stepstool, really), all things fruit, making his own words to go into the songs he already knows (that's my boy!!!), leaning on Mommy's shoulder while Mommy is trying to take pictures of things down at his level (makes for blurry pictures...), orange cheddar
N - food (especially fruit, but apparently spinach-mushroom-chicken enchiladas are also acceptable), the new ball popper toy we got at the thrift store, walking with Mommy (FINALLY!!!!!), walking his turtle walker down the hallway with Z walking his shopping cart next to/behind him, all things spherical, plugging into the Mommy (or Grammy!) charging station then scampering off to play again, pointing and grunting to make it understood what he wants
Mommy - motor derby [walker] time (they're occupied!!) especially when Z helps N turn his walker around, getting full nights of sleep again, N taking one 3-4 hour nap a day