Sunday, April 28, 2013

365.27-29, 33, 34

365.27 (jan 27)  Gotta hang up the clothes...

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Likes & Dislikes

Z - watching his two shows everyday, reenacting Caillou adventures with himself as the main character, playing with play dough, drawing with sidewalk chalk, making mischief, WHY mommy WHY, talking to his (imaginary?) friend Henry
N - using WORDS!!!!!, doing it himself (SELF, mommy, SELF!), "bruffsh"ing his "teef," trying to sleep in big brother's bed, reading books, giving hugs (especially to Z, who is less enthusiastic), instigating with his brother (Z asks a question, N says "NO, Z. NO."  Z hates it!), asking WHY just because Z does, throwing monumental tantrums
Mommy - being able to understand N more often, seeing how far I can go with WHY before resorting to "physics, buddy, physics"

Z - staying inside, staying WITH mommy instead of running off wherever he wants, not having WHY answered every time,
N - being told NO, having someone forget to let him do it SELF
Mommy - having to answer the same WHY multiple times in five minutes (the answer didn't change, child!), tantrums when I didn't understand what N was saying

365.6-8, 11, 15

365.6 (jan 6)  Well I'll just go UNDER you, then!

Monday, April 15, 2013


365.1 (jan 1)  New Year, new lunch...hahahaha, no we'll have our usual thanks.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

366 Recap...and on to 365?

So, my very first year of photo-a-day is officially over.  How'd I do?  Well, I didn't actually keep track of how many times I used someone else's photo (for whatever reason), but out of 366 days I had 302.  I haven't checked to see if there's a video I could get a still from for most of those missing 64, but the odds are rather against it (I did check for the first couple of months, and only once did I find a video containing both kids).  The biggest streak was 21 days, in July.  Must have been because we were cooped up in the house during the heat!

Despite the fact that I haven't started posting pictures for 2013, I can already tell you that we're off to an abysmal start.  Most days I haven't been thinking about it, the way I was last year.  But I've started making more of an effort now, so bring on 2013!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

366.361, 363, 366

366.361 (dec 26) I think this

Monday, April 8, 2013

366.360 Christmas 2012

Can we open presents yet?  (no, your brother's not up yet!)