Thursday, October 6, 2016

Arizona ambling (for JB)

By all reports we came up route 64 (180?) and parked in the main parking areas.  We all used the restroom in facilities that looked like this:

Somewhere around there we saw this sign.  If you see the "You Are Here" label towards the eastern side, I am reasonably confident that we followed that red line to get to the rim path.

The view from that area looked a lot like this:

We walked down some paths.  I'm not sure whether this path was parallel to the rim or if this was us getting TO the rim.

Here we are definitely at the rim.

We came across this sign and headed east towards Yavapai Observation Station.

These are some landmark vistas that we saw between the sign and the ashes spot.

This is us leaving that last vista.

Walking down the path headed east still.

Here is the spot.

View from the spot.

Ash throwing in action.

We got to Yavapai Observation Station afterwards, so my educated guess based on signage and timeline is that the spot is about half a mile west of Yavapai.

Hope this helps!  :)

(sorry about the watermarks, I didn't take all these pictures but forgot to turn the marker off!)