Tuesday, January 3, 2012


I'm only making two New Year's resolutions, and they should be completely doable:

1. Post on the blog more often (trying for 3x a week, but definitely once a week minimum)
2. Participate in a 365 project by taking (and posting!) a picture every single day.

For #2, I'm thinking of doing it two ways...one picture, here on this blog, of the kids everyday, and another picture more geared towards improving my photography posted on a separate blog (so as not to clutter up the Ellerclan Chronicles with totally unrelated content).  Sometimes a picture might work out and be posted in both places, but for my improvement blog I'll be making an effort to NOT always be taking pictures of my kids.  It'll be hard, they're so darn cute!

Here is my entry for January 1st, unfortunately extracted from a video because I'm good at planning things retroactively:


2012 Resolutions: So far, so good! (except that I wrote this on the 2nd, and forgot to post it until the 3rd...oops!)


  1. Good luck with the 365. I'm a little behind on mine. I have all the pics, just haven't had time to sit down and actually add them to the blog. Oh, Wordpress actually displays the pics a lot better than blogger. Better resolutions, just in case you wanted to know. ;)

  2. I haven't messed with Wordpress at all...I mostly went with blogger because I already have gmail and picasa and all the other google stuff. It was just easiest. :)
