Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Likes & Dislikes

Z - more of the same: saying No to everything, going outside, playing where he's not supposed to play, "chasing" N down the hall, pinwheels, cheese, ice cream (thanks Granddaddy!  :P  ), breakfast bars, gluten-free pretzels & crackers, this weird game involving taking a drink of milk and then letting it dribble out of his mouth (and this is NOT okay with Mommy!), balloons, screaming, anything with wheels
N - walking! finally! both solo and holding someone's hand, pointing at things, saying Ball! to everything (including, but not limited to, balls), BALLOONS in a big way, getting Z to "chase" him, doing everything that Big Brother is doing (right down to wanting to eat the same things, but only at the same time...when Z moves to a new food, so does N!), communicating very well despite only having "uh-oh" and "ball" as a working vocabulary, going outside (we're coming to terms with grass, slowly), ice cream (thanks Granddaddy!  :P  )
Mommy - reliving the joy and excitement of a child learning to walk (god but I love their expressions and giggles when they're doing it!), seeing that Z empathizes with his brother (even if he doesn't always want him around) and tries to help him, having a house that's the cleanest it's ever been since we moved in, having GRASS in the backyard!!!

Z - more of the same: using the potty (still! gah!), being told not to do stuff, sitting in a cart when he could be running away
N -  not getting what he's (clearly!) asking for, having the same food preferences from one day to the next, being stuck in the car for long periods
Mommy - trying to potty train a very resistant child without resorting to drastic measures, the idea that soon I'll have to choose which child to chase...

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