Thursday, July 5, 2012

Likes & Dislikes

Z - sprinklers (thanks Granddaddy!), getting out of the house almost every day, running up and down the hall wearing nothing but a hooded towel (having just gotten out of the bath, of course), getting to play the iPod again in quiet time (because mommy NEEDS the quiet time...), mangos, balloons, playing in the kitchen sink, helping mommy with chores, deliberately letting N into the kitchen BEFORE closing the gate
N - jibber jabbering, point-grunt-AH!ing to get what he wants (usually food related), running up and down the hall wearing nothing but a hooded towel (having just gotten out of the bath, of course), balloons, running around in the yard after getting out of the car, climbing stairs, milk (bottles are NOT for water, mommy!), straws, eating rocks from the driveway, giving kisses via direct cranial impact, hug fights with Z, sitting on Z's potty and using toilet paper (correctly!)
Mommy - quiet time (ahhhhhh....), snuggle time with my snuggle bear (Z) and snuggle bug (N), getting back to the gym some now that N doesn't have to have appointments (woo-hoo!)

Z - just about everything not listed above
N - not being understood, whatever food you gave him (as opposed to what HE wanted), baths that involve water touching him above the waist, sprinklers (thanks Grandda...oh wait, that's not your fault!  :P  )
Mommy - sick kiddos, food discarded all over the kitchen floor, spilled milk


  1. cranial impact... that so aptly sums it up!

  2. Your welcome, and give me time on the other.
